Product highlights
Demo version |
Reader version |
Full version |
Report on Nominal Code transactions | Y | Y | Y |
Produce Cash reports | Y | Y | Y |
Produce Full Detail reports | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports using Overall budgets giving Budget v. Actuals | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports using periodic budgets giving Budget v. Actuals | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports by specific sets of Exchange rates | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports grouped by Cash bank codes | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports grouped by Project codes | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports grouped by Sub project codes | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports grouped by Donor codes | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports grouped by Nominal codes | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports using Project budgets | Y | Y | Y |
Produce reports in converted currencies | Y | Y | Y |
Produce summary reports by month, quarter, half year and year | Y | Y | Y |
All reports can report on a subset filtered by any combination of date range, project code, sub project range, cash code range, nominal and donor codes. Alternatively they can be filtered using the nominal codes in the budgets | Y | Y | Y |
Export reports to Excel | Y | Y | Y |
Print or Preview reports | Y | Y | Y |
Click on these links for more information.
Creditor / Debtor functions
Import / Export functions
Budget functions
Data mangement features
System codes
System level operations